Run your call centre from the cloud

No longer do you need to invest in expensive hardware and technical expertise to run your own in-house contact centre. With Contax Centre from Castillo, you can run your entire contact centre from the cloud across any number of offices, carriers and third party centres. All administered from a simple, centralised, one-click web-based control panel.

Over 1,500,000 customer interactions are handled by our platform across 7 countries every single day

Worldwide Presence

Our global network of servers in five countries around the world ensure the lowest latency, highest speed connection for the best voice experience.
Find out more about our network here

Reporting Suite

Track your hours, productivity, compliance and more from our advanced reporting suite.

Complete Compliance

Our advanced platform ensures you remain in full compliance of UK and USA regulatory requirements on outbound dialling.

No software or hardware

Contact Centres can require expensive capital expenditure and software installation. Our solution only requires a web browser - no special software, and no expensive hardware.